and welcome to the Web site of Gardner Appraisal Group, Inc. & Gardner
Ranch Sales, LLC!
“We are a real estate appraisal firm specializing in farm and ranch properties, owned and operated by Derry T. Gardner, (Texas) State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser. Derry began appraising farms and ranches in 1983 with his father, Thomas R. Gardner, MAI, now deceased, who started the firm in 1976. At the time of his death, Tom had appraised all types of properties for over 45 years.
While Tom appraised primarily commercial
properties, Derry began appraising farm and ranch properties and has now appraised
over 1000 ranches in some 80 counties throughout Central, West and South Texas.
In the process, Gardner Appraisal Group has expanded our database of ranch sales
information and at the same time, made numerous, valuable contacts, all to keep
up with what's going on with ranches throughout Texas.
a result of his thorough knowledge of the ranch real estate market, Derry
began selling ranches a few years ago, offering a unique perspective to
the ranch buyer or seller.
intriguing? Have a look around our Web site to learn more about us
and what we have appraised and look over the ranches we sell. We know
you will like what you see.